Anne-Marie Piazza
I’m Anne-Marie Piazza, an award winning actress, musician and voiceover artist.
Chances are if you’re on this page you’re looking to learn a bit more about me so fill your boots!
I’m a London based Welsh, French, Italian with a menagerie of musical instruments and singing styles in the toolkit.
Welcome! Bienvenue! Croeso!

“Anne-Marie Piazza takes us on the most honest and human emotional journey. Her strength lies in her ability to draw you in to such a wide range of emotions to which we all can identify… she leaves everything on the stage with her generous performance”
—Manchester Review Brief Encounter 2022
Coming Up Next...
The Glass Menagerie
60th Anniversary Production
Amanda Wingfield in the Tennessee Williams masterpiece “The Glass Menagerie” directed by Adrienne Ferguson
Shattered by her husband’s abandonment, Amanda Wingfield’s steely focus remains locked on her future security and that of her children, Tom and Laura. Her determination collides with her children’s dreams and ambitions. While Tom feels trapped by his life in St Louis, the pressure Amanda forces upon her daughter to secure her future is crushing both their relationship and Laura’s fragile self-esteem. As attentions quickly turn to securing a suitor for Laura, the fine thread that connects dignity to desperation is pulled taut.
The Vienna English Speaking Theatre
11th September - 21st October 2023
A summer spent in Vienna at the English Theatre playing the imposing Amanda Wingfield! A beautiful theatre, run my an incredible team and with a fantastic company. What more could an actor want - oh yes gorgeous weather!!
Thrilled to have won an Audiofile Earphone Award for narrating Lucy Parker’s “Codename Charming” for Harper Audio, working with BeeAudio.
Recently had it’s BEAM2023 pitch now a '#MusicalBites scratch performance at The Other Palace thanks to Mercury Musical Developments & Book Music & Lyrics
2023’s joyful first show, a riot of colour, music and queerness in the heart of the Welsh hills.
Inspired by South Wales Queer community conceived/directed by Luke Hereford, composed by Geraint Owen - Stiles & Drewe Voice, Vision & Potential winner 2023
Beate Triantafilidis’ new audiobook on Audible, a beautifully and personally told story of how to live when illness takes over your life and you can no longer trust your own body.
This playful show explored ancient Greek texts and storytelling and asks: how do you fill in the blanks when all that is left is FRAGMENTS?
BRIEF ENCOUNTER - Tour of 2022
What a privildge to play Laura in this tour of Kneehigh’s gorgeous script. 2022 allowed me to get my teeth into Emma Rice’s creation and after starting at the Stephen Joseph Theatre we toured to the New Vic, Theatre by the Lake and Bolton Octagon.
Audiobook series now available on Audible and spotify. Enjoy a taste of those dreams here..